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[Data] The challenges of digital transformation: KIRIKO, the Quick Rig Computation

This year, between digital transformation and GDPR, technology forms an integral part of GSea Design’s daily life. Digital tools, historically designed for the company’s core activity, are becoming a central factor in communication with our clients. Following a few months of development, KIRIKO is the first tool we’re unveiling today.

KIRIKO, which stands for QUIck RIg COmputation, is a proportioning tool, which enables us to respond as promptly as possible to your requests for a mast weight estimate.

This application is available online here >>

Upon acceptance of your registration request, you’ll have access to the following interface:

This web page, will enable you to select the features of your request: mast type (spreader, wing, diamond…), boat type, construction details and the various data necessary for processing the request.

The data at your disposal will be as follows:

  • Estimated mass of the tube with reinforcement
  • Cable features (Class EA and load)
  • Conceivable mould geometry